Welcome To Triton Seed Drills
The Triton is a game changer
There is a three-month delivery period for a Triton Seed Drill so we urge an early visit to see the crop establishment on a Triton drilled farm.
The Triton Blade Design
for reduction of grass weeds in the seeded row
Have you sometimes found grass weeds in the seeded row but the rest of the stale seed bed has stayed clean? Maybe the weed seed came in the wheat seed ? Nope..
The patented Triton drilling blade is unique in having a downward facing stale seedbed engagement member. All other tine drills use upward facing soil engagement members which hook weed seed upwards into the top two inchs of the seed bed i.e the germination zone. This defeats the stale seed bed system giving enough grass seed return to cause difficulty in the rotation.
A shallow stale seed bed, or multiple stale seed beds in an infested field, can reduce weed burden by 95% if the crop is then drilled in late autumn. But the vital last pass, the drill pass, can defeat the successful stale seed bed by hooking up the grass seed, the Triton cannot hook up weed seed, this is a very significant advantage.
[please note positioning of the icons on the illlustration are approximate and for display purposes only]
No longer does the weather affect the drilling programme. Whether rock-hard dry clay, or saturated ground of any soil type, you will be able to drill rape straight behind the combine with a Triton.
With one-pass vertical tillage seeding the Triton Seed Drill is arguably better for the soil structure than Controlled Traffic Farming due to one-pass vertical tillage seeding, and no rolling.
Rotate your entire farm under profitable, weed-free, winter sown crops.
Kick spring-sown scrappy crops into the ditch.
Low input, high output, with no compromise
Ideally suited to all soils and unrivalled in stronger soils, the unique Triton Side-Press Seed Drill has revolutionised seed drilling – no longer is it fully dictated by the weather.
All has grown well, even considering the dry year
On a separate note, we have got on very well drilling grass seed into established grass leys. We sprayed off old leys in June, a week later we mowed the grass off and baled it and then direct drilled new seed with the Triton. All has grown well, even considering…
A good low cost, low maintenance drill ideally suited to our heavy land
Triton has allowed us to delay winter wheat drilling into November through to December and as a result blackgrass plant numbers have been dramatically reduced. A good low cost, low maintenance drill ideally suited to our heavy land.
Triton drill was used no wheat crop was lost to slug
Year 3, autumn 2017 when just one 4m Triton drill was used no wheat crop was lost to slug. This was due to improved seed soil contact, consolidation without compaction from the closing tines restricting the slugs ability to traverse the seed slot.
The Triton drill proved how well it would cope with wet late conditions
The first season with the Triton drill proved how well it would cope with wet late conditions. This season, naturally totally different from last year has shown that given good stubble management (which need not be expensive) how well it managed with direct drilling in a variety of weather and…
The Triton drill did the job admirably
Our steepest, most awkward field had not ploughed very well, consequently getting spring beans in during a wet spell proved too much for our 6 metre drill. A neighbour suggested trying the Triton drill which did the job admirably, we got a crop and would recommend the machine in heavy…
For me the closing blade on the Triton is the best on the market
The Triton direct drill is the only drill I have used that closes the seeding tine slot. For me the closing blade on the Triton is the best on the market and has now given us the option of direct drilling high magnesium clay soils, when appropriate. It’s a true…
Triton Seed drills Kirtling Suffolk Nov 4th 2021 Heavy clay direct drilling second wheat.
This second wheat was the farmers highest yielding wheat in 2022 against earlier drilled wheats and first wheats
Triton is a seed drill that utilises purist vertical tillage through one-pass direct, or conventional, seeding. The Triton will also drill into a range of cover crops. It is the only seeding system capable of fully effective direct seed drilling into all soils in all weathers. It is unique and is both worldwide patent applied and European design registered.
Designed by engineers in Cambridge for maximum versatility and yields, and low-input farming.
100% British, assembled by a long-established agricultural fabricating company in Essex.
Requires no adjustment between seed types and is maintenance free.
Provides seedlings with an ideal growing environment from one-pass seeding into any soil in any weather conditions.
Performs perfectly in any soil, in any weather, drilling all seed types. It uses no roller or packer.
The Triton Side-press seeded fields do not require rolling.
The horizontal and vertical lifting blades create secure enclosure of the seed in any wet conditions in heavy clay.
#1 Profit Fact
Drilling continuous wheat from Nov 5th-15th can give maximum net farm profits from combinable crops, by a large margin.
Why ? What yields do we expect ?
AHDB figures for late sown wheat (defined as Nov 15th – Jan 31st) average just 8% less than standard autumn drilling dates and this includes January sown wheats ! Nov 5th-15th is not even late by these credentials.
Why not drill earlier?
Dormancy of Blackgrass seed, Take-All, Bydv, slugs, septoria, eyespot, brome, rye grass, blw… are all prolific in the early autumn.
Also, Herbicide needs damp soil (vital in continuous wheat to get 98% bgrass control).
Crucially, drilling late allows time to make a number of false seed beds to wipe out grass weeds.
Why not drill later?
My light land won’t grow 2nd wheats.. ?
Light land suffers from higher takeall levels. But, If the moisture and nutrient is in the field and the TakeAll levels are reduced then the roots will be healthy enough to carry subsequent wheats much better. By the use of AminoA Flo or AminoA Blazt the roots and the whole plant physiology may be boosted to give remarkable yields on light land.
My heavy land can’t be drilled after mid October.. ?
To date, No heavy soil has prevented a Triton seed drill from carrying out fully effective drilling in any weather. Stubble management must be carried out in accordance with Triton seed drills recommendations after which the Triton can drill at will.
At time of going to press milling wheat is worth 35% more than feed Barley and is higher yielding. Wall to wall wheat gives maximum profit when some rotations are actually losing money. In many instances a Triton has paid for itself by drilling just one field of late wheat, in just one year.
In summary
By drilling in November most yield robbing factors are dramatically reduced and yields are still high. TakeAll is neither created nor multiplied by Nov drillings so all the wheats perform close to their full potential. Inputs such as fungicide and herbicide can also be dramatically reduced in time, by tayloring to the historic weed seed expectancy of each field.
So, whether you add a Triton to your existing line up of drills, or whether you use a Triton as the sole establishment tool, there is no simpler way to boost the farm output.
Hybrid Disk and Tine Drill
Now with detachable disc units for further reduction in soil disturbance and for use in cover crops